St John's Hoxton
Teaching from St John's Hoxton, a vibrant, diverse, and growing Anglican church in the heart of London. Seeking to be a beacon of hope for Hoxton. Worship God | Make Disciples | Share Jesus | Transform Hoxton. Online Sunday services at 10.30am
507 episodes
Isaiah Servant Songs: Intro // Revd Graham Hunter
Revd Graham Hunter kicks off our Lent sermon series 2025 with an introduction to the Isaiah 'Servant Songs'.

Ash Wednesday 2025 // Revd Bosede Owa
Revd Bosede Owa preaches on John 8:1-11 at our Ash Wednesday service.

Heros of OT - Moses // Revd Graham Hunter
At our 'Superhero Sunday' all-age worship service we explored another Hero of the Old Testament: Moses. Revd Graham Hunter explored how God set his people free through Moses - and ultimately through Jesus.

Malachi 3 // Daniel Pratt
Daniel Pratt explores the question 'Will a man rob God?' as he concludes our series on Malachi looking at Malachi 3:6-4:6.

Malachi 2 // Revd Graham Hunter
Our Vicar, Revd Graham Hunter, explores Malachi 2:1-3:5 and how we're invited to walk with Jesus in truthfulness, faithfulness and justice.

Malachi 1 // Revd Graham Hunter
Revd Graham Hunter starts a 3-part sermon series looking at the Old Testament book of Malachi.

Titus 3 // Revd Graham Hunter
Our Vicar, Revd Graham Hunter, concludes our sermon series on the New Testament book of Titus exploring God's vision for the local church.

Titus 2 // Daniel Pratt
Daniel Pratt continues our sermon series on the book of Titus, exploring chapter 2 and the need for mature Christians to disciple younger Christians.

Titus 1 // Revd Graham Hunter
We kick off the new year with a 3-part sermon series looking at the New Testament letter of Titus. Revd Graham Hunter begins by explaining some background to the letter, and then exploring healthy and damaging models of Christian leadership.

My Father's Business // Daniel Pratt
Daniel Pratt preaches on Luke 2:41-52 exploring how to look back on the year gone, and prepare for the year ahead.

Two Ways To Live // Revd Graham Hunter
Revd Graham Hunter preaches on Titus 3:1-8 at our Christmas Day celebration.

A Bridge of Hope // Revd Bosede Owa
Revd Bosede Owa preaches on John 1:1-14 at our Midnight Holy Communion service during Christmas 2024.

Spiritual Friendship: Mary & Elizabeth // Fiona Hollow
Fiona Hollow explores the friendship between Mary & Elizabeth in Luke 1:39-55

The Promise of Peace // Revd Graham Hunter
Revd Graham Hunter gives the talk at our annual Carols by Candlelight service.

Prepositional Faith: OVER // Revd Graham Hunter
Revd Graham Hunter continues at our 10.30am Sunday morning service with the second of our 4-part series on 'Prepositional Faith'. This week we look at 'OVER'.

Becoming a Channel for His Peace // Bosede Owa
At our Remembrance Sunday Service, Bosede Owa speaks about being a channel for God’s peace during the most turbulent of times.

Elijah // Sara hunter
Sara Hunter speaks at our monthly All Age Worship Service on how God was there for the prophet Elijah - and can be there for us too in challenging moments if we hear him.

Indictment and Evidence // Daniel Pratt
This week at our 10.30am Sunday service Daniel Pratt takes a legal approach to the gospels - and presents the case for Jesus being God.

Prepositional Faith: FOR // Revd Graham Hunter
Revd Graham Hunter continues at our 10.30am Sunday morning service with the second of our 4-part series on 'Prepositional Faith'. This week we look at faith 'for' God.

Prepositional Faith: WITH // Revd Graham Hunter
Revd Graham Hunter kicks off a new sermon series entitled 'Prepositional Faith' at our 10.30am Sunday morning service. This talk explores faith 'with' God.